For the sake of David, Turn Your thoughts, O LORD, To the things he suffered, Hardships he endured. Then he made a promise Vowing to the LORD – Mighty One of Jacob – Unto Him he swore:

“My house I’ll not enter, There I’ll not repose; I’ll not let my eyes sleep, Nor my eyelids close, Till I find a dwelling Where the LORD would live – Mighty One of Jacob – Him a house I’ll give.”

It was first in Ephrath We heard news resound: In the field of Jaar, There it had been found. At His place of dwelling, Let us enter in; Gathered at His footstool, Let us worship Him.

LORD, now rise and enter With Your ark of might To that place of resting, Pleasing in Your sight. Let Your priesthood serve You, Clothed in righteousness; Let Your saints with singing Joyfulness express.