Victory Chapel

AMC Botley

If God Be For Us.

We embrace God’s full counsel in the Scriptures, and seek to boldly settle and expand the Victory of the Lord Jesus.

We are an Anglican Church in Botley under the episcopal governance of the diocese of Anglican Missionary Congreation (AMC) in the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE). We were planted in 2020, during the pandemic, seeking to approach God with the reverence He is due regardless of circumstances. We are committed to loving and obeying God as a church, in our families, and as individuals. This means we are most definitely not conformed to the world.

Sunday Mornings


We meet for worship at Botley Market Hall in the village of Botley. All ages are welcome to attend and hear the eternal words of the one true God. Children are invited to stay throughout the service in order to witness and emulate the worship and reverence that their parents render unto the Lord Jesus. Holy Communion every Sunday.

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Bible Study


Tuesday evenings we dig deeper into the scriptures, and discuss how we can continue to incorporate its teaching into our lives. Spending time together beyond morning service is key to living life in community and encouraging each other in our walk with the Lord Jesus. Join us for a blessed time of fellowship.

Please subscribe above to learn more.


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Victory Chapel