About Victory Chapel
Our Mission.
Too many churches and organisations have made it their mission to mirror popular ideas. Our Mission, however, is to fulfil Jesus’ Great Commission – “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20), in the face of an ever-degenerating society. This commission consists of living up to God’s call to settle and expand his dominion, according to His eternal truth: “Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.”

A Place to Belong.
The scriptures teach that Christians should live in this world, but not be of it; that they should be fruitful and multiply the territories under God’s eternal rule–not accommodate the fashion of the year. Victory Chapel is a place to know others and to be known by others on this challenging journey. We strive to offer reverent worship and faithful preaching. Anglicans in the West today are sadly known for sycophantic virtue-signalling on race, climate, COVID, gender, etc. Victory Chapel is a throwback to a time when Anglicanism lived and breathed the Word of God. Old or young … Christian or seeker–all are welcome to come and see how we serve and love our Mighty God. Our Vicar and Curates, Canon Rev’d Dr Felipe Sediles, Rev’d Dr Abiodun Akintayo and Rev’d Rob Slane, warmly welcome you.

A Faith to Believe.
What do Christians believe? Are we really no different than progressives? What relevance does the Bible have for real life? How can I learn to go deeper in the living and eternal Faith of the ancient Church? Victory Chapel subscribes to the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, the 39 Articles of Religion, worships according to the Book of Common Prayer, and aims to exposit the Scriptures to their full extent. Our fellowship is a community of learners and we are eager to welcome others who would like to join us in seeking to worship the one true God.

A Rule to Live By.
From her earliest days, the Christian Church has followed a daily and annual pattern of living that is modelled after the life of Jesus Christ. Today, life is rather chaotic, unstable, and irregular. Together we seek to practise a pattern of daily personal and corporate prayer, embracing a “rule” (or structure) for our lives that is both challenging and joyful. The Anglican tradition has a unique history of “prayerbook” living – come and see how this ancient way might breathe new life into your pilgrimage as a disciple of Jesus.

Our Volunteers
Everyone who makes Victory Chapel run smoothly are volunteers, including its minister. These are a few of the familiar faces you might see each week.

Rev'd Canon Dr Felipe Sediles

Rev'd Dr Abiodun David Akintayo

Rev'd Rob Slane

Mr Dan Fortunato
Churchwarden & Safeguarding Lead

Mr Andrew Alli

Mrs Lillian Sediles
Musical Director

Mrs Tolani Akintayo
Altar Guild

Mrs Jessica Fortunato
Hospitality Lead

Mrs Ruth Alli
Children's Ministry Lead

Mrs Ida Ardelean